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His Teachings


Target of Life

Not having correct idea about own self – not having correct idea about live, not knowing, what is life’s target, we are dying out by running after other subject due to incorrect customs. First know yourself along with life, know the great life, know its main purpose – main target & proceed according to that, than only you can be towards life, towards development – towards main flow current of life. You will be successful in life.

Main target of life is development – self-development. Self development is the development of consciousness. Consciousness is attained through attainment of real knowledge – true spiritual knowledge. Again, based on consciousness, acquiring of knowledge is possible. To gain high knowledge, existence of high consciousness is must. So our main aim is to gradually gain the consciousness through acquiring of real knowledge.

What is happiness? – Happiness the attainment of satisfaction. Joyfulness, as per the demands of body – mind, that is happiness. On the change of demand – when is become main, the demand of attaining knowledge, then on attainment of knowledge – the happiness is felt. There is no chance of being deprived from this happiness. But in order to survive, the maximum materials demands, which are there, for that may be sometimes, you have to get sadness – hardship – pain, but, when you acquire knowledge through these sadness, as knowledge is your main target, then the happiness is gaining of knowledge will make you forget this petty sadness. If your demand of acquiring knowledge is great then you will desire for this sadness. Acquiring of more knowledge is possible, through these sad incidents, and you will be happy acquiring knowledge. Almost all sadness and sadness related incident take place due to ignorance. It has been noticed that we accept the sadness from maximum cases amongst most of the incidents but do not find the reason of sadness. Though we notice sometimes, but, do not care – look with neglect. Behave as if what ever we do, that is correct, but do not feel the necessity of rectify ourselves. Does not get rectified, in spite of these remain in the same darkness where we were. In spite of that, many remains indifferent, in spited of knowing everything. They cannot be called knowledgeable person. These knowledge is not a real knowledge, these knowledge is artificial and floating. These knowledge does not free us from wrong customs, does not give rise to consciousness. Knowledge has to be active, working, changeable – that knowledge is real knowledge – experienced knowledge. Actually, our deep routed, wrong custom do not permit entranced of upgrading changeable knowledge, do not give a place in the mind. So, all these knowledge gather at the outside of our mind’s entrance inactively, cannot take an active role by going into the mind. For these reprogramming of mind is necessary. Programming of mind is ‘Maha-Manan’s’ another organ of practice.


Whole worldly system, has completely arranged all around us, to give us sadness – hurt ship – pain internally & externally. Our mind also have been prepared fit, to bear that sadness that hardship – pain. The purpose is one, that is every person has to be made sufficiently knowledgeable and conscious. Till the time, this purpose is fulfilled – target is reached, till that time, there is no relief from sadness – hardship – pain. As much as the knowledge and consciousness increases, the same amount of sadness – hardship – pain also increases. If you acquire sufficient knowledge –consciousness, then there will be no sadness – hardship – pain.


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why to love human beings ?

Love others for own good. Love others, because you love yourself. Love others, because you want to get love. Love others – because you cannot remain without loving keep if body – mind is good, then everything you will like. Love will flow out spontaneously, by force, you haven’t to love.

At the different levels of consciousness, different different waves of vibrations are created in everyone’s mind. We the everyone, are echoed by our own – own vibrations, with other almost similar vibrations. Similar or almost similar conscious persons attract us, influence our mind. The saying of a sage, at in different different form, amongst different stages of conscious persons. In home, they are does not arise any special response of mind, they are very far from that sage conscious stage. Besides these many far stages are there, who though not being of same vibrations, supports different vibrations.

There is a proverb, ‘More than a doctor, his instructions are greater.’ Luck is – great world wide, flow of incidents, created in great worldly rules, traditionally. At the beginning of creation, the self had been decided – what incidents will take place where. We all and even the god, is under this luck and great worldly rule. No one of us, can change luck, god is also in capable. It can be said, luck is stranger than god.

Bodiless spirit or command of god or visiting of god, all these are actually internal facts of mind, not any external incident. Not having correct conception of own self – about own mind, with thing these as miracles.

Our behavior and some mental states or symptoms are other reasons of sadness. In maximum times, we feel sad – hardship – pain, due to disturbance, irritation, averseness, quarrelsome, impatience, dissatisfaction, jealous, hatred, stubbornness, proud ness, the mentality of not accepting, anger, very emotional, laziness, wrong deeds, becoming exited for little. These behaviors or mental steps or symptoms do not happen only due to ignorance or customs, many of times, physical unhealthiness – deceases or getting hurt are responsible for these. Generally we understand by physical unhealthiness is that some definite decease symptoms or getting hurt. But apparently, though, not any fixed decease symptoms are seen, beyond our consciousness, inside the body many deceases take shelter and at slow speed they do harmful action within body, as a result that type of many mental symptoms are seen (disclosed). So, if you made effort to stop your sadness, if you try to achieve happy – peaceful life, along with other procedure, you have to make effort to make your body fit. In this case, I feel, homoeopathy treatment can give the best result. But for these good homoeopathy doctor has to be available, who is knowledgeable – experienced. When taking steps to reprogrammed the mind, also doesn’t give success, mind cannot be controlled, then physical and mental treatment is only the duty.


say yourself


I shoud hope, but not get frustrated on not getting.

Whenever I hope for something, along with that, I should also keep in mind that – ‘What is to happen, will surely happen,’. That will not happen otherwise. So we should be ready to accept, that will happen. Also keep in mind that, as my hopping is a prefixed result, of continuity of incidents, similarly – not receiving or other type receiving is also a pre-fixed result of continuity of incidents. I am also the crop (result) of continuity of incidents. Never hope that, happening will take place as per our expectation. Every incident is past occurred, and the present happening numerous peculiar incidents are structured by the continuity of incidents and is a definite result, about which I do not know almost anything. So like a fool I will not challenge (bet) over that, and not gamble with my life. I will not accept sadness by any incident, do education. Life’s aim, life’s target I know, so I self be happy through accruing education, acquiring knowledge. Always I will keep in mind, – I have always to remain happy – joyful, peaceful. I will not give a place in my mind to those which are of unhappiness, unpeaceful. One more thing I have to keep in mind, continuity of incidents and all these system, has prayed surrounding us, to give us sadness – hardship – pain, I will not get entrapped in that trap. At least, I will not allow my mind, to fall in that track.

Sadness– Hardship & free from them


    This is true that, this great World System is not good for all living things, not suitable.  But still I will say those who can accept this system, heartily can surrender himself/herself completely to this system, and can live nicely to greater extent. And this is also correct that, this worldly system does not want us to accept it completely, to surrender completely to it. It’s main purpose is to give us sadness – hardship – pain. If you can accept happily with the head bowed, the  sadness – hardship – pains of this heartless – cruel system, then only, you can live well to a great extent ( if you want to know, what type is this greatly system, & why it want to give us sadness – hardship – pain, –you have to read our main religious scripture – Maha Uddesh ).

    Two category people accept this system, the first is, true followers of Knowledge Yoga– those who with the purpose of gaining true Knowledge, with the purpose to know the true form of this great worldly system, undergoes great sadness – hardship – pain – travels along road, after attaining true knowledge, realises that – there is no other way, than accepting this system, creatures have no independent role, s/he is only a part of this system ( due to independent feeling s/he may feel –s/he is simply a puppet of this system ) then, they accept it, without finding other alternative. If a person reaches more higher stage of Knowledge-Yoga, then s/he becomes one in spirit.

     The other category, those who are followers of Devotion-Yoga, they do not want to know anything – understand anything.  They do not understand ‘system’, they only know their dearest, wholehearted praying God (in own desired form, in own way). They surrender themselves to God, they are free form all burdens. Along with accepting the God completely, they heartily and easily accept his all activities or miracles. In other way they accept this great worldly system. They feel, whatever God does – all for the good. Whatever way he keeps, they are satisfied with that. They feel that, God is Examining their devotion – respect – faith – depending ness by giving in this examination. So “how mach sadness you give, I will never be separated form your lotus feet”. If a person passes this exam, s/he can gradually union with God.


Cause of Sadness – Hardship


  Our mind is responsible for maximum sadness – hardship. But if we minutely note – it can be seen, actually not mind, mainly responsible are deep rooted programs of our mind. Surely the physical structure within mind, ingredients, ill health, these are also responsible to a great extent. If you can change these appropriately, it you can do re-programming of mind or re-orientation you will grow up to be happy-joyful-peaceful. The past generation’s instincts (received at present), and the rituals , customs received, has covered our mind in such a way that, in maximum cases, we notice the sadness –hardship, –bad side, –it strikes our mind–we do not notice the good side of every subject – every incident in maximum time. As a result, we see more the sadness them happiness. Besides this, our boundless demands are the other reason. Actually, what is to be asked or what should we ask, we do not know. And the nature of becoming sad, if we do not get as per our demand, – if you cannot change this nature, you cannot be happy. What type will be our demands, and what should be done, if we don not get as per our demands, what should be done that time – regarding this, we should take appropriate lesson, and program our mind according to that, and make our body health and keep health – you can achieve happiness – peace – joy. As much ill fate may come in your life – you will never feel hardship. But this gaining lesson, this programming, all this depends on your luck. Those who can do this, they can surely achieve good luck. To learn the basic knowledge of the first lesson of this course, programmes is that, at first, you have to learn the clear knowledge of life, great life, true creation theory, luck. The great Guru MahaAnand’s educational programme regarding developed, happy, beautiful life is ‘MahaManan’ programmes.    


God’s Message


  I like more, the two to four Knowledgeable Devotee, compared to hundred thousands un knowledgeable blind devotee. After knowing me perfectly– after knowing my real form, who loves me, his love is desirable by me. All knowledgeable persons may have blind emotions which is the apparent price of love, but that is unlucky element. Many a times, this madness takes deadly form. So I tale all my devotees first know me (know moon – as the moon is like), know my real form, even after that, if you like– love as much as you like. That much is only the true love.

You all be lover of truth, be eager of real knowledge. Be life centred. This path is very painful, still this the only path. Think, I have to undergo the mixtures of yours sadness – hardship – pain. But there is no alternative; this is only law of the worldly system. If you attain perfect knowledge – sufficient knowledge, then you will have no more pain, then you can enjoy forever endless happiness – pure peace. Proceed with the aim of attaining this future’s happiness – with the hope of attaining endless peace. Never be diverted by Heaven’s false tales, do not run about like mads, by being bewildered by the false promises of religious-business persons. That path is not life’s path. Proceed on the path of truth – knowledge.



One day a devotee told me that he does not want anything, only want to serve God. Then I asked him, what type of servant you want to become, – efficient servant or inefficient servant? – Low category servant, far off servant, high category servant, servant very close to God, – very favourite dearest? Listening to me, he felt uneasy, looked at me with open mouth. I explained him with example, let’s take for example – a special rich person, – he has many servants within his home and outside and at his working place. Some one work in his garden, someone looks after his vehicles, someone cleans his home, or someone supplies water for his bath – someone serves the food, someone messages his legs – hands – body. And some servants are there, who help him at his working place. There are present several categories of servants. High category servants who understand his master’s demand, desires and dislike ness, they understand the mood of master, the working style of master – understand the purpose of work – they are very favourite servants of the master. And so, you want to become which category of these. That devotee replied instantly, I want to become high category – favourite servant. Then I said to him, at first you have to gain knowledge about God. You have to understand his world, his demand, his working style. Along with that, you have known your self, according to your qualities and tendencies; you have to be fit for any of his special work or service. Like an inefficient servant, if you supply salt instead of lime, when asked for, he will surely not love you. So the first is, you know him and know your self, then become his fit servant.


Love for God


     Real love develops between equals. A person of high category – the others person of low category, a person of high caste – the other of low caste, in that case, due to blind emotion, love may develop but does not achieve permanency. Or one way or one sided love may develop, but that does not lead to development of proper love relation. Love should be between equals. Those who love God or want to love God, or engrossed in love for God, it is applicable for them too. If you want to develop sweet love relation with God, first you have to know God in his true form and identity. If you have loved some imaginary form of God, then when you will know the real form of God in future, yours love’s base may shake. It may seem that soil is moving away from below your feet. And like mad, if you can remain engrossed with your imaginary God, if you do not expect any answer – any return from your real God, then you can remain happy surely. But that will be like one sided or false love or love of a penniless for the riches child. If you really want to love God, then after knowing the real form of God, you have to upgrade and prove fit, close to the stage of God.

  For that, you have to pray whole heartedly to God so that you may become fit for his love. This is ‘Maha Sadhana’. Do not possess this idea that God loves his whole creation and loves equally. In past days, God has created many such things, which was not up to his full satisfaction and he has destroyed all of them. As you like the good thing more, God is also the same. So you have to be good at first, so that along with others, God also can not remain without loving you. So pray to God, for attaining knowledge – consciousness, pray for to be positive, and along with that make efforts to achieve them. By seeing your efforts and hearing your prayers and being happy, if he loves you, eager to get your love, then on one side as he will help you to step up (develop), make you develop, similarly on other side, he will step down a lots. As a result equality will be created between both, closeness will be created and deep love relation will then develop.

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Are you passing a very bad time –suffering from misfortune?

Is there nothing to free from it?

Now leave all and get shelter of the MahaAnand.

Establish a temple of MahaAnand and be preacher.

You will find amazingly, how soon the bad time will be gone!    



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